In the last two games of Axis & Allies that we’ve played, we’ve randomly drawn a girls v guys scenario for teams. The lads drew Allied countries and the ladies Axis. I’m not saying there is a need for this, but if the ladies wanted an extra advantage they may want to try playing a wide rotation of AC/DC – per below.
Playing China
Let’s say you’re the one who plays China in Axis & Allies. That means you’re likely playing one of the other Allied countries, and have China tacked onto your role. Playing the US? You’ll likely also be playing China.
Axis & Allies Global 1940 – Second Edition Rules (Mobile Friendly)
You’re playing Axis & Allies Global 1940 and need to look up the rules on your phone. That PDF is nasty to dig through on a phone, right? Below find a copy/paste of *most* of the rules necessary to play Global 1940 with Second Edition rules. Some of the more basic items have been left out. It’s more useful for those who have played the game many times but still need to look up a rule here and there. For the full rules consult our Axis & Allies Rule Books page.
Convoy Rule in Axis & Allies 1940: Calculating Damage
The Convoy rule in Axis & Allies 1940 (Europe, Pacific, Global) isn’t the most easily written rule in the rule book. Below is a summarized version.
If an enemy warship is in an opponents’ sea zone with a ‘convoy’ marker, the IPCs collected at the end of a turn can be reduced based on convoy damage inflicted, per below.
Submarines and Axis & Allies 1940
I never spent the time to really understand all the rules surrounding submarines. Why? Well, I prefer my battleships. Ridiculous reason, I know, especially considering your opposition may be a sub-freak.
So, here are the interesting things about submarines (for the Europe/Pacific/Global 1940 game at least) that I was initially unaware of:
When Liberating a Country, That Country’s IPCs Revert Back to the Liberated Country
I just did a quick bit of ‘googling’ to find the answer to this:
If a country is liberated (so, they weren’t collecting any more IPCs and may not even be anywhere on the board anymore), what happens once they’re liberated in terms of IPC/income/etc.
Research Rolls: Do They Make Sense?
We play with the Research & Development (aka ‘Weapons Development’) optional rule quite a bit now, most recently in Axis & Allies Global 1940. The way we play (correct?) is that if the research has failed (i.e. not rolling a ‘6’) then the research token is still alive and available to roll for again in your next turn. You don’t lose the token on failed research, and thus don’t have to buy another one to roll again next around.
Does that make any sense?
Furtive Fritz is Always Listening: T-Shirt
Back in World War 2, propaganda posters were huge. They attempted to compel the public to help out in the war effort no matter what their status was.
One such British propaganda poster referred to not speaking in public about details that may be useful to the Germans. “Furtive Fritz” may be lurking around and pass along that information back to the Nazis. Thus, “Furtive Fritz is always listening – Be careful what you say” was used.
Axis & Allies ‘Team Allies’ T-Shirts
We’ve got a game of Axis & Allies going on next weekend, and I’ve drawn to be part of the Allied forces. What, you may ask, should you wear to the first Axis & Allies match of the year? How about an Allies forces t-shirt?
There are more than a few options in our Axis & Allies clothing store, such as the following hip designs. For each, you can select from various colour combinations. Click the shirt to have customization options open in a new window.
Axis & Allies Strategy Video
For all you newbs out there who are in need of some Axis & Allies strategy help, look no further than this fine video titled ‘How to Strategically Win an Axis & Allies Game‘. Feel free to bookmark this page so you can watch it again during your game play.