Axis & Allies Revised: Rules Summary

I haven’t played Axis & Allies Revised in a very long time (once we switched to A&A Global 1940 that was pretty much it.) That said, I have an upcoming game to play. I just perused the A&A Revised Rule Book quickly and noted the following items. Consider it a very quick summary of some of the key rules.

  • Decide: minor (control 8 victory cities), major (control 10 victory cities) or total victory (control all 12 victory cities) — Check for victory after US turn
  • Axis should attack swiftly
  • Antiaircraft and industrial complexes can change hands
  • White chips = 1 unit; Red chips = 5 units
  • Numbers on spaces equals IPCs received for controlling it
  • Neutral territories: Can’t go through/over
  • Canals:
    • The Panama Canal is controlled by the side that controls Panama.
    • The Suez Canal is controlled by the side that controls both Anglo-Egypt and Trans-Jordan.
  • Turns consist of:
    • Develop weapons — each attempt at research development costs 5 IPCs
    • Purchase units – not deployed until later stage
    • Combat move
      • Sea units (other than subs) can move through a sub-occupied space provided sub is submerged – exception is destroyers
      • Submarines may move through hostile sea zones – provided no destroyers in space
      • Submarines that end move in hostile zones must fight
      • Air units can fly over enemy territories but antiaircraft guns get chance to shoot at them first (the defender rolls one die for each attacking air unit — For every roll of 1, an attacking air unit is immediately destroyed)
      • Fighters on aircraft carriers must launch before aircraft carrier movement (if attacking); else are considered cargo
      • Tanks can blitz two hostile spaces deep if first space is unoccupied (blitzing)
      • Tank movement stopped by industrial complexes and antiaircraft guns
      • Transports stop: when hostile zone; when offload units
      • Transports: land units considered cargo
      • Transports: can’t offload in enemy zones (unless submerged subs)
      • Transports: Capacity is any one land unit, plus one additional infantry
    • Conduct combat
      • Opening fire:
        • Antiaircraft: The defender rolls one die for each attacking air unit — For every roll of 1, an attacking air unit is immediately destroyed
        • Battleships/destroyers accompanying amphibious assault get 1 shot at land territory (if not involved in sea battle)
        • Submarines (attacking and defending) both fire during opening fire
      • If attacking submarine accompanied by destroyer, “opening fire” submarine casualty can fire back at normal time in combat sequence
      • Battleships take 2 hits to sink (if 1 hit after end of combat, returns to full strength)
      • If infantry attacks along with an artillery, the infantry’s attack increases to 2
      • Retreating air units are subject to fire from enemy antiaircraft guns in any territories they move over
      • Submarines on both sides may retreat during combat by submerging
      • Air units can never capture territory (must land at friendly zone)
      • Air units can’t land at newly captured territory
      • Fighters can land on aircraft carrier – must declare if carrier will move during non-combat in order to be there for landing
      • Amphibious assault: Attacker may call off the landing but cannot redirect the attack to a different territory
      • Amphibious assault: No land units can retreat – even those coming from other land territories
      • Sharing friendly territory: Each attacking power moves and fires its own units on its own turn
      • If liberate formerly friendly territory, IPCs go back to friendly power (and they own territory) unless friendly capital city is in enemy hands
      • Capturing a capital: Get all unspent IPCs of that power
      • If capital captured, cannot collect any IPCs until liberated
      • Rocket strikes (development): antiaircraft guns can act as rocket launchers against an enemy industrial complex to “destroy” IPCs (there is no defense against this attack) — one antiaircraft gun may attack an industrial complex within 3 spaces, though each industrial complex may be attacked by only one rocket launcher in a turn with the maximum loss each rocket can inflict is the target territory’s income value.
      • Strategic bombing raids: An economic attack against an enemy industrial complex to “destroy” IPCs; Antiaircraft guns fire first; each bomber can inflict no more IPC loss than the territory’s income value; (vs. only defending antiaircraft guns)
    • Noncombat move
    • Mobilize new units
      • … on to territories containing industrial complexes you have controlled since the start of your turn
      • only place a number of units up to the income value of the territory containing the industrial complex
      • Cannot mobilize units at newly captured industrial complexes
      • Fighters can enter play on newly built aircraft carriers
      • Sea units mobilize only in sea zones adjacent to territories containing eligible industrial complexes
      • Newly built carriers can enter play with fighters aboard, whether those fighters were built this turn or were already in the territory containing the industrial complex.
      • Place new industrial complexes in any territory that you have controlled since the start of your turn and that has an income value of at least 1
    • Collect income
      • If your capital is under an enemy power’s control, you cannot collect income

Need more? Read the full A&A Revised rule book.

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