Axis & Allies: WWI 1914

The Axis & Allies WWI 1914 board game was released in March of 2013. Up to 8 players can partake, but a 3 player game is considered comfortable.

Game play in WWI 1914 is somewhat different than previous Axis & Allies games, with battles and new unit mobilization being different. Also, you’ll notice smaller dice. Of note, the Nation set up boxes are great — small and easy fitting on your game table.

More details on Axis & Allies WW1 1914, including rule books, photos, videos and more can be found below. All external links open in a new window.


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  • Board dimensions: 32.5 x 32.25 inches or 82.6 x 81.9 cm
  • Players: 2-8 players

Game Primer Video

A Closer Look

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 Box Art.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Game Box

Inside the box.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Inside the Box

You’ll need some to room to play.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - All Set Up

The board all set up – beginning of the game.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Beginning Set Up

The Battle Board.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Battle Board

Close up.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Close Up

New chip colours.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - 4 Colours of Chips

Smaller dice, compared to other Axis & Allies games.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Smaller Dice

Newly stylized land units.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - Land Units

Newly stylized navy pieces.

Axis & Allies WWI 1914 - New Navy Styles


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There you have it. A breakdown of Axis & Allies WWI 1914. Enjoy the game!

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